Monday, September 21, 2015

Five Signs of Being in Love with your Best friend

Five Signs of Being in Love with your Best friend

Confused of what you feel for your best friend? Here are 5 signs we came up with.

  • You get excited whenever he calls you.

                    When he calls you, your smile is ear to ear. You laugh at his jokes even if his jokes are corny. You can’t explain the happiness. If you can’t stop smiling, talking with him.  Your calls with him will last 2-3 hours talking about yourselves. You will find topics that will last longer.

  •  Your happiness with him is different from other close friends.

                    You are confused why the happiness that you feel whenever you are with him is really different from others. It’s okay because that’s the start of it. You’d rather go and hang out with him than others.

  • You always miss him.

                    Over thinking over a person is a sign that you are interested with him/her. You can’t stop thinking about him. Even before sleep he disturbs. If he doesn’t call you, you start missing him. Then you will find ways to talk with him.   

  • He is in your dreams.

                    There are different kinds of dreams. Daydream is one, you’ll think about the “what ifs”. What if you’ll be together? What if you said that you like him more than a best friend? What if he doesn’t love you back?

  •  You try to convince yourself that you like him as a friend ONLY.

                    You have been feeling differently towards that person so you can’t blame yourself that you conclude that you like him more than a friend. But there is a risk that’s why you keep on denying that you like the person.  You keep on convincing yourself that it is way better being his friend than a lover. But the pain that you feel is indescribable knowing that you are afraid that he won’t like you back

Don’t feel sad that you and your best friend won’t be together because being friends is way better than being lovers. Lovers break your heart while friends will always be there for you whenever you need them. If you think that you’ll work as a lover then go for it, but know the consequences. So what do prefer, being his friend or a lover?

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